Campsite Hautes Alpes » How to get to the campsite

Access to the campsite

How to get to Les Rives du lac campsite

Les Rives du Lac Campsite
Isle water body
05400 Veynes
Telephone: +33 (0)4 92 57 20 90

GPS : 44,3108.22 / 5,4755.30
or 44° 31.134′, 5° 47.924′

    Our campsite in Hautes-Alpes is open from the last Saturday in April to the last Sunday in September. The houses, perfectly insulated, can be rented all year round.

    In May, June and September, the reception is generally open from 8am to 10am and then from 5pm to 7pm. During this period, campers can set up on their own and then register. In July and August, the reception is open from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 19:00. Exceptional requirements may lead us to modify these schedules, do not hesitate to call us for more information.

    Route to reach the campsite

    • From Paris: Autoroute du soleil direction Lyon then direction Grenoble
    • From Grenoble: Motorway A 480 direction Sisteron (end of motorway at col de Fau), follow RN 75 col de Lus-la-croix-haute, exit at Aspres-sur-Buëch, direction Veynes. At the first roundabout in Veynes, turn right towards Valence until you reach the lake.
    • From Marseille-Nimes-Montpellier: Motorway to Aix-en-Provence, then motorway A51, exit Sisteron Nord, follow RN 75 to Serres. 4 km after Serres, D 994 direction Veynes. 2km before Veynes, turn right direction le plan d’eau. Tip: if you arrive from the South on a Saturday in summer, do not leave the motorway in Sisteron Nord because there is a high risk of traffic jams; continue on the motorway until the end (Tallard), continue towards Gap, then follow signs for Valencia. A little more km but much less time!
    • From Turin-Briançon: RN 94 direction Embrun, Gap. At Gap D 994 direction Veynes. In Veynes D 994 direction Serres, Valence.
    • Come by train! We will pick you up at the station located 3 km from the campsite! Schedules on the SNCF website

    Display the map and calculate your route here.

    contact access campsite near Sisteron